I have found an injured or orphaned wild animal. What should i do?

As an animal rescue, we do not have the knowledge or training to help wildlife. A wildlife rehabilitator can help you. Learn more here.

i have an animal i can no longer care for. Can you take it?

We usually have a waiting list of animals waiting for our help in their journey to their new homes. In the case of abandoned animals we will make room for them if possible. Please fill out our relinquish form here. Please note we do not accept dogs, cats, farm animals, wildlife, and most reptiles.

How can i see your current adoptable animals?

We are a PetSmart Charities partner and are foster-based, so all of our animals are in PetSmart stores and foster homes. We ask that you fill out an adoption application here and we will contact you with information of currently adoptable animals that we feel would be a good fit for your family. We can then arrange for you to meet those who you would like to visit. Most of our animals find their new home within a month, so it is difficult for our volunteers to keep our Petfinder and Adopt-a-Pet.com accounts up to date.

What is your adoption process?

Upon receipt of your application, you will receive a confirmation email with care information for the animal you’ve applied for. A representative will contact you to ask if you have any questions regarding the care information, and may ask you some questions about your application. In three business days, you will be notified whether your application has been approved or denied.

how can i learn of the care a rabbit needs for a happy and healthy life?

We are always happy to educate potential adopters as well as current bunny caregivers on proper care. Our care guide has the main points of proper care, and we encourage people to do as much research as possible. Of course we are always a phone call or email away to be of whatever help we can. We can not provide veterinary advise but are happy to recommend a vet for all health concerns.

I have a dog and cat. will they and their new bunny sibling get along?

That is completely dependent on personalities of all of the animals in the household. Quite often bunnies can be best friends with their canine and feline siblings, but some dogs and cats will not want to be friends, and some bunnies are terrified of larger animals. We recommend having your current pets meet their new potential friend before you adopt them into your home. Of course if they do not get along at home we are happy to provide advice or take the adopted animal back into our rescue if need be. We want everybunny to be hoppy.

I have a male rabbit who i am considering adopting a friend for. Should we seek a male friend for him?

Every bunny is different. Generally, opposite sex rabbits get along best, but that is definitely not always. Some prefer a friend of the same sex. Spaying/neutering is essential for rabbits for many reasons, one of which being they are calmer and will accept a friend much better. All of our bunnies are altered prior to going to their new homes.

how can i help?

We have many needs and are appreciative of all help! Whether you are retired with lots of time to help our little ones, or a busy student who can only help here and there, you are making a difference! Of course our biggest need is monetary donations (which can be made here!), but we also have needs fosters pretty much anywhere in Illinois as well as animal transport, and there are many ways you can help from the comfort of your home. Please fill out our volunteer form here if you’d like to help!